Thursday, September 15, 2011

Random Reading Updates

I discovered goodreads in September 2009 after a recommendation from a friend (either Diana or Deborah, both avid book lovers) and I instantly fell in love.  Not only was I able to browse ratings and recommendations for whatever my next read would be but I was to keep my "list" of books in one update-able place.  I used to keep handwritten, then typewritten, lists of the books I loved.  (I love lists).  But sometimes I'd lose them and have to start all over, so now it's lovely to have it all in once place.

I committed to the annual Reading Challenge this year and said I'd read 40 books this year.  I wasn't sure I'd make that (I've never read that many books in one year, even during school).  But, after learning from fellow booklover  Zakiya that I could download and read e-books for free from the public library (WOW!) I've become unstoppable.  Everytime I get an email from the library that one of my wait list books is available for download, I must download it, finish the last book I've checked out and start on the next one.  Something about the pressure of the 21 day return deadline, and that they're instant, and that they're free . . . who knows how many books could be read?!

I'm currently 25 books in to my 40 goal.  Some of my favorites from this year, so far: Unbroken, The Girl Who Fell From the Sky and Water for Elephants.