Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Now That's a Book Bag!

I was listening to NPR today and heard an interview with a woman named Caitlin who made purses out of books. I gasped as I listened to her cutting the pages out of a book with her X-acto knife. It felt so wrong somehow. And then, as I continued to listen to her, I became curious. She clearly is an artist with a vision. She makes the purses from actual book covers, usually those she rescued from library discards, yard sales, thrift shops, etc. She then finds fabric and beads and hardware to complement the book. The results are truly beautiful.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ex Libris

Not too long ago, I found myself on a quiet mission to claim ownership of all of my books. It started with one book -- a favorite book which I was about to lend out and didn't want to lose track of. I thought of simply writing my name inside the front cover but that seemed too casual, almost disrespectful for this particular book. So, I looked online for some bookplates I could order quickly. I ended up taking a wonderful trek through the world of bookplates -- from the history of bookplates to customization to collection (there are societies dedicated to the study and preservation of bookplates). I also found some beautiful designs. Too many for me to actually settle on one. I ended up making my own. If anyone needs a personalized bookplate, you now know who to call!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What Just Left My Nightstand (just the good stuff)

The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs. Nonfiction. One man's quest to live the ultimate biblical life, to follow every single rule in the Bible as literally as possible. What results is both hilarious and reflective. A good read for anyone who has ever wondered about all those crazy rules in the Bible!

Street Gang: The Complete History of Sesame Street by Michael Davis. Nonfiction. Chronicles the history of the landmark children's television program just in time for the show's 40th anniversary this year. A great read for anyone who has fond memories of Jim Henson and the classic Sesame Street years.